Monday, July 13, 2009

Case of the Mondays

So my attempt to solicit votes to update my blog failed. Like, epically failed. Only two people voted to see an update. So, thank you to both my readers. I'm surprised you're still hanging in there.

On a related note, I did have a Facebook status update elicit 35 comments. That has to be a record for a non-argumentative stream of status comments. So thank you to the six that made that happen.

At work today, I've had the pleasure of running an errand for Dan Rather! That's sooo an assistant-level duty, but it was bequeathed upon the lowly interns. I, being the upstarting young male WASP, eagerly took the job. I had to deliver a "package" to a "trust company" at "Rockefeller Center." The journey was fun, but waiting in the enormous lobby of 630 Fifth Ave was even funner. Seeing the blend of modernist and art-deco architecture inspired me. I'm going to work there one day. And be in your television sets. And your minds.

Something else was on my mind that I felt like sharing here to both of you, but alas; I have forgotten. Maybe I'll remember and post it later. Thanks & gig'em.

I'm Daniel Crump, been Crumpin it since '88.

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