Thursday, July 1, 2010

Time Flies

It's almost been a year since I last posted. In that time I've been in two relationships, gotten two semesters closer to graduating, held zero jobs and gained zero muscle mass. Sad, I know. So as you can see, I've had little to blog about.

Although, if I had been wise (or incredibly stupid) I could have blogged about my love life. That's never backfired on anyone, right?

NOTE: For the safety and privacy of the parties involved I will be omitting all names. Except mine. But you don't know me. So ... suck it.

One year ago I started talking to L.A.S. while interning in New York City. We had quasi-known each other from mutual engagements (a.k.a. we were Facebook friends). I decided I wanted to get to know her a little better so we started chatting. I thought she was really cute and she had no idea who I was, so I thought, "What's the worst that could happen??" After chatting all summer we arranged to meet and go on a date when I returned to Texas.

L.A.S. was (and still is) a great girl. She's sweet, she's funny, she's cute and she laughed at my jokes. She had everything I look for in a girl! The one thing that gave me the willies was her friends. L.A.S. was a good girl; her friends were not.

To make a long story short, me not liking her friends was unacceptable to her. It wasn't much acceptable to me, either. We broke up (rather nastily) and don't talk anymore. Pity, I really liked her.

A.C.B. and I have been friends for about two years. We've always had a good relationship as friends, but when I first met her I knew we could be more than friends. I've never told her this, but I wanted to date A.C.B. from day one. I attempted to date A.C.B. about a month after I broke up with L.A.S. but I wigged out. It felt like bad timing. She forgave me and everything went back to normal. Then I tried again, but got flaky ... again. She was more hesitant to forgive me that time, but still, everything went back to normal.

Nearing the end of the Spring semester I mustered the courage to court her again, this time knowing if I screwed up all ties would be cut. I asked her to Ring Dance, which is a pretty big deal for seniors at Texas A&M. She said yes and we made a night of it. Next thing I know I was flying head-first into one of the best relationships I've ever had. We were laughing together; smiling together; living life together. A.C.B. was the one of best things that happened to me in college.

There's no real way for me to foreshadow what was to come because everything was always so bright. We never fought; we never argued; we never ignored each other for the sake of causing controversy. I was perfectly happy. Then one night, while we were chatting on Facebook, the proverbial shit hit the proverbial fan.

I don't want to get into specifics because I'm still a little torn up over it all, but in short, a perfectly good and functioning relationship came to a halt in the matter of five minutes. Part of it was my fault and part of it was her's, but in the long run I suppose what happened was inevitable.

OK, that's all the reminiscing I'm willing to do. Kinda hurts, but hey, that's life. L.A.S and A.C.B., if you've read this (and you know who you are), I'm sorry. For it all. I don't know for what specifically, but I'm sorry. I'm a man; what can I say.

Call me a knucklehead ...

[AUTHOR'S EDIT: A.C.B. asked me to Ring Dance. Minor oversight.]

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