Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Year, Old Habits

You know the saying, "you don't know what you have until it's gone?" It's quite an accurate little quip.

From now on I do not intend to use this blog to talk about my personal life. Frankly, it's none of your business. No one but me deserves to know what my heart feels. So take that, bitches.

With that off my chest, I'd like to officially announce the debut of my podcast, "Beat @ the Batt" premiering next Tuesday. The format is very loose. Jason Staggs and I host the show and we are looking forward to going live! The podcast will be available on and ready for download and streaming via RSS subscription. It's completely free and ready for your iPod! So check on Tuesday and subscribe!

In the future, this blog will be used for the following:

Shameless Self-Promotion

If you're coming here looking for something else, I suggest you go elsewhere.

So to all my fans, thank you for sticking around. To all my enemies, you're closer to me than my friends! Ha. Bye.